Canon to launch 4 fast L prime lenses in the first half of 2024

We have mentioned that we won’t be reporting on a couple of the most requested prime lenses for the RF mount until we have information we’re 100% confident in, but there are a few reports on the topic making their way around the web.

It’s rumored that Canon will announce 4 fast L prime wide angle primes in the first half of 2024. Some of these lenses have been on our roadmap for quite some time, but we eagerly wait just like the rest of you.

Rumored RF Lenses

  • Canon RF 14mm f/1.4L USM
  • Canon RF 24mm f/1.4L IS USM
  • Canon RF 28mm f/1.4L IS USM
  • Canon RF 35mm f/1.4L IS USM

Yes, the Canon RF 35mm f/1.2L USM has been rumored, but the reports seem to go back and forth between f/1.2 and f/1.4. It doesn’t make much of a difference in our eyes, but the “f/1.2” would be a nicer marketing touch.

The Camera Insider also reports that there will be some new technology in at least one these lenses, but no mention of what that might be.

We have zero confirmation about any of these lenses, so please treat this report accordingly.

Source: The Camera Insider

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